International University Canada

Public Relations

Public Relation

Communications consultant • Marketing analyst • Product manager • Public relations consultant • Public relations officer

View Course Brochure

May 2, 2024
24 Weeks



3000 Danforth, Toronto. Canada   View map


Diploma programs

Public Relations: How Will You Benefit?

• Fast track your career in Public Relations

• Learn the inside secrets of how to become a event management pro in months not years!

• Study a public relations course that was designed in conjunction with the public relations industry

• Free up valuable time, don’t waste time and money traveling to classes

• Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are

• Have access to a tutor who works in the industry you are training for

• Exciting, diverse projects

• The opportunity to meet celebrities and other public figures

• Recognition – build your reputation with every successful event

Career Prospects

Start an exciting media related career which plays an integral hand in forming and analyzing public reactions, information and behavior for corporations, brands, celebrities, governments, political party’s, non-profit groups and many other organizations who heavily rely on Public Relations personnel.

Why complete a Public Relations training program? With the right credentials, you can gain excellent positions as a:

• Communications consultant

• Marketing analyst

• Product manager

• Public relations consultant

• Public relations officer

Course Levels

The different levels are achieved by the amount of course content and assessments involved within each module at the basic (Certificate), intermediate (Diploma) levels. You will be able to learn about what the difference is between the two levels below:

Certificate: represents a basic level of operational knowledge with general knowledge. Suitable for basic entry level positions.

Diploma: qualifications recognize the graduate’s capacity for initiative and judgment across a broad range of technical and management functions. Diploma holders typically have personal responsibility and autonomy (semi-independence) in performing technical operations or organizing others in the workplace.

Course Length

The average time within which students complete studies is:

• Certificate Level – 14 weeks,

• Diploma Level – 24 weeks.

IUC courses allow you to study at your own pace with no assignment deadlines. This means that you determine the pace of the course and within which time period you will ultimately complete your studies in.

• Completing your course with IUC is flexible as you can fast-track and graduate in a matter of months. You complete activities and submit assignments whenever you are ready.

• The maximum time given to complete a program is three years.

Study Mode : Distance Learning

This entire course is carried out via Distance Learning (also known as correspondence learning). Distance learning is ideal if you need to adapt around work, family, or other commitments. It is also extremely beneficial should you simply wish to fast track your studies and not be locked into a timetable.

Our course content and learning experience ensure that your course is relevant and interesting. Learning, tutorial assistance, assessments takes place whenever and wherever you are in the country or world. It takes place at your own pace on your own terms to fit your lifestyle.

Enrollments statistics

Enrollments statistics a IUC reveal that students from the following categories are currently taking advantage of the distance learning experience :

•Individuals looking to start a business or change career18%

•Individuals already in the job seek a promotion 30%

•Government, business & industry employers 32%

•Military personal 10%

• Home mothers 10%

What will you get?

All materials essential for course completion are included in the cost of the course fee. Upon enrolment, students receive:

• All required study materials and course notes

• Practical assignment projects with constructive tutor feedback

• Industry based tutor who will service all of your course and career questions

and guidance.

• Student ID card giving student’s access to thousands of discounts both at home and overseas!

On successful completion of the course you will receive:

• A graduation certificate officially recognizing your successful completion.

• Transcripts indicating units completed

• Job search assistance

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